Rough's 1st Hammock Overnight
Rough recalls his first overnight hike in his new Clark Junglehammock. He hikes 9.9 miles total on the Beane Trail and Long Trail and hangs near the Cowles Cove Shelter before finishing at Appalachian Gap.
Brian Lindner - Backcountry Rescue
Brian founded and now leads the Waterbury, Vermont Backcountry Rescue Team. Learn how these rescues are performed, what to bring, and how to react if you're ever facing a rescue situation. (24 min 44 sec)
Long Trail Distances Calculator
Select your starting and ending points and calculate how far to hike on the Long Trail. Now also displaying distances from Long Trail destinations to nearby shelters.
Long Trail Audio Photos
Listen to the descriptions as you view these beautiful Long Trail photos.
Planning a Summer Thru Hike
(updated 2010) Planning a Summer (early June to mid-October) Thru Hike of the Long Trail. Covers topics such as when to go, what direction to hike, equipment, staying in shelters or camping out, hiking with your dog, and more. (18 min 08 sec)
Ted Lennox 1st Time Hiker
Seventy-five year-old Ted Lennox offers a unique perspective on the challenges and pleasures of a first-time hiker and backpacker -- who just happens to be blind. (30 min 27 sec)
Aaron S. LT Day Hiking End-to-End
Aaron Schoenberg describes his plans and leadership of a yearly series of group day hikes in his quest to hike the Long Trail end-to-end. (26 min 42 sec)
Ho and Hum: LT Section Hikers
Long Trail section and self-described "Geezer Hikers" Ho and Hum chat about their August 2009 experiences in hiking the LT south from Johnson to Jonesville, north from App Gap to Duxbury Road, and north from Lincoln Gap to App Gap. (32 min 21 sec)
Update: Ho and Hum continued their section hiking of the LT in 2010 and 2011. Ho completed the trail in 2011 and his brother Hum has 76 miles remaining. Ho documented their three years' outings which he has generously agreed to share. Read the PDF versions of their journals
Rough and Tumble's Long Trail and Shelter Etiquette
Side-to-Side Patch Trails List (pdf)
Check out our new Blog at longtrailpodcast.blogspot.com
Long Trail "Oddities and Trivia"